Who we are
Our website address is: https://lybstergolfclub.co.uk
This website is protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate, a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between the web server and a web browser.
The purpose of this website is to provide information to visitors and members of Lybster Golf Club. At present we do not collect and store end user data in the form of uploads or comments. Users are not required to login in order to view the content of this site.
Contact Form
The data collected on the contact form will be emailed to a member of the Lybster Golf Club committee and is not stored anywhere on the website server. Data sent between the client device and the web server is encrypted. Information supplied will be used solely for the purpose of responding to queries.
Google reCaptcha
The Lybster Golf Club website is protected by Google reCaptcha to prevent spam & other abuse. It uses advanced risk analysis techniques to tell humans and bots apart. For further information see Google’s privacy policy and terms of service .
Linked content from other websites
This site includes links to other websites.
These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.
Please see the HandicapMaster Privacy Statement for more information on how your data is protected when interacting with MasterScoreboard.
Please see Scottish Golf’s Privacy Statement for more information on how your data is protected when you login to your account and interact with their website.
Please see Meta’s Privacy Policy for more information on how your data is protected when using your FaceBook account.